FoodieHub Creator & Maintainer 2023 - present
FoodieHub is a social platform and event planner for food lovers, who like to try out new restaurants and share their favourite places with their friends. This project was developed with my team as the final project at ironhack. It is a react application that uses mongoDB as a database. The app uses the yelp fusion api and react leaflet to browse restaurants and display their locations respectively. Bootstrap and regular CSS were used for the styling. Visit the repository: 👨🏾‍💻
Rentry Creator & Maintainer 2023 - present
Rentry is a made-up online platform used to rent appartments or houses. It was built with express, nodeJS and EJS . The app uses mongoDB as a database. Bootstrap library was used for the styling, while cloudinary was used for asset uploads. Visit the repository: 👨🏾‍💻
Cross road game Creator 2023 - present
Cross road game is a browser game built with HTML Canvas. The game uses Object Oriented Programming and DOM Manipulation for rendering and manipulation of items on the website. Here regular CSS was used for the styling. Visit the repository: 👨🏾‍💻